Curator + Marketer


Contactlmsorresso@gmail.comphotos + tweets: @lmsorresso******************************portrait by dana zed


pics & thoughts @lmsorresso

Portrait by Dana Zed


Lauren Sorresso is an emerging curator and skilled marketer based in San Francisco whose work emphasizes cultural cues with various meanings—colors, patterns, associations, things we consider familiar or foreign, and the people we celebrate or overlook. Her practice includes events, design, photography, research, and writing. She favors collaborative artist-led processes that integrate strategic insights with creative implementation.

Lauren has over 15 years of professional experience working for marketing agencies, technology companies, and arts organizations such as Adobe, Altman Siegel, Google, Interbrand, KADIST, The Lab, and Square. Her work has been published in Rhizome, Variable West, and for exhibitions at KADIST San Francisco and The Wattis Institute. She studied at Colorado College (BA, Studio Art) and California College of the Arts (MA, Curatorial Practice) and has taken courses at Anderson Ranch Arts Center, RayKo Photo Center, and Stanford Continuing Studies.

Lauren has lived and worked in the Bay Area since 2005. Her curation focuses on feminist installation and new media art. She is currently working with local artists and pursuing independent projects.